Dracula Wiki
Biographical information

Voivode Dracula






400 years old, probably much older




Vampiric powers
Dark magic


Ruler of Castle Dracula
Vampire King

Love interest

Dolingen von Gratz


His gypsies
Emily Stoker (Vampire servant)
His vampire army


Bram Stoker
Matilda Stoker
Thornley Stoker
Arminius Vambéry
Patrick O'Cuiv
Maggie O'Cuiv

Based on

Count Dracula


In Dracul, the 2018 authorized prequel by Dacre Stoker and J.D. Barker, Count Dracula is referred as Dracul (mainly due to the characters' ignorance about him) for most of the novel and serves as the titular main antagonist. He is, of course, primarily based off Bram Stoker's Count Dracula and presumably some unfinished drafts that Stoker kept from the character that never made it into the original classic.


Long ago, Count Dracula travelled to Ireland in search of the vampire Dolingen von Gratz in order to make her his new wife. He found Dolingen with a knife through her heart, her head crushed and buried beside her beloved's house. Enraged by the man's action against her, Dracula considered killing him but immediately decided against that once he came to the conclution that Dolingen would prefer to kill that man herself.

The Count then took Dolingen's undead corpse to Castle Dracula in Transylvania where he fed her with rabbit's blood after taking the knife off her heart. The reanimated Dolingen demanded Dracula to know where she was, and after he responded, she was utterly horrified and desired to return to Ireland with her beloved. Annoyed, Dracula pointed out that her "beloved" was the one who drove a knife through her heart, stating afterwards that mortals are not expected to comprehend the immortals such as her or himself. Dolingen however, was having none of it and once again demanded to return home, stating that her beloved Deaglan had only driven a knife through her heart to free her tortured soul.

Becoming increasingly frustrated by Dolingen's constant refusal of his advances over her and her constant demands to return home, after keeping her locked in his Castle for several years, Dracula decides to travel to Ireland once more to look for Dolingen's beloved, Deaglan O'Cuiv. Once in Ireland, Dracula finds the now-married man and kidnaps him to bring him to Transylvania, draining him and feeding him his vampiric blood on the way back. This is done to point that, once they are in Transylvania, Deaglan looks several times older than he actually is. A weeping Dolingen pleads Dracula not to harm Deaglan but the Count only awnsers that she brought that onto herself. With that, he turns Deaglan into a vampire and commands his gypsies to tear apart his body by tying him to four horses and then making them run in four distinct directions. After that, Dracula removes Deaglan's beating heart and places it in a small box not long before removing his family ring and placing it in one of Deaglan's hands.

In 1801, Dolingen managed to escape Castle Dracula, stealing his maps and embarking on a quest to restore her beloved by searching for all his pieces across all Europe. Enraged, Dracula murdered all his servants in the Castle and began to plot his revenge against Dolingen for leaving him: he travelled to a village that he has slaughtered long ago (which was populated by vampires under his command) and built a mausoleum which read "Countess Dolingen von Gratz seeked out and found death 1801" and "the dead travel fast" which was ment to imprison her as punishment for leaving him.

In 1854, the Count travelled to Ireland and murdered the O'Cuiv family, Deaglan's descendants, in order to force Dolingen out of hiding. However, Dolingen arrived after the crime scene and managed to vampirize the last suriving members of the family.

By 1868, Dracula learned that Dolingen was disguising herself as a nanny to the Stoker family by the name of "Ellen Crone" and that she had begun to feed the sickly biy named Bram Stoker with her blood to avoid the sickness to take root because Ellen had come to love the boy as her own child. Ellen later left the Stokers out of fear that they may be targeted by Dracula but kept visiting Bram in secret to sustain him. With that knowledge, Dracula began to plan to turn Bram into a vampire to further his plans for revenge. In the nights that followed, he began targeting Thornley Stoker's wife, Emily, and drove her insane by draining her and feeding her his blood in order to use her as bait to draw Ellen out of hiding. Thornley eventually made contact with his brothers Bram and Matilda, and together, they contacted the expert in the occult, Arminius Vambéry. He deduced by the markings of the ring that Bram found in Ellen's coffin when he was a child, that the ring belonged to the Dracul family. Vambéry then explained that the Draculs were ancient and practiced a forbidden form of dark magic named "Scholomance" taught by the devil in the Carpathain Mountains where he would take teach ten students and take the tenth for hismelf. The Dracul family used Scholomance to fend off the turk armies centuries ago, with the tenth Dracul student being taken by the devil himself. That man was to forever renounce God and Heaven in exchange for becoming a "god among men", learning the darkest magic and with it, creating the evil of undeath. Later that night, they witnessed Dracula sneaking into the house to bite Emily, to which they were able to determine the source of her insanity. When the Count saw them, he immediately turned into a swarm of bees and relentlessly attacked them. However, they held him off by praying and Dracula escaped the house.

Vambéry later called a seer to tell them where Ellen was headed. While he got interrupted many times, when Emily came and touched the seer, he screamed "Whitby" before Emily let go of him and, much to Thornley's despair, jumped out of the window to go to meet Dracula and follow his commands. Using Bram's link to Ellen and, subsequently Ellen's to Dracula, they realized that Ellen must be in Whitby but Dracula is chasing her. Following Bram's link, they ended up in Whitby's Abbey where they encounter Ellen with her vampiric childer Patick and Maggie O'Cuiv. Ellen then shows her past memories with Dracula to Bram which causes them both to cry. She explains that she is guarding Deaglan's body and that if they can kill Dracula and then placing Deaglan's heart in his body at the same time when she is pouring her blood in his body, then Deaglan would finally be free of Dracula. However, the missing piece, the heart, is in a place called the Village of the Dead near Munich, which is filled with Dracula's vampires.

They all eventually leave for Munich by boat and later by train, with the vampires kept in their coffins. Once they arrive to the Village of the Dead, they notice that Dracula has arrived before them as the whole place is filled with his gypsies. After looking around, they find a tomb with the "Stoker" name on it and decide to dig it. Once dug, Emily is found inside screaming and under her the heart of Deaglan O'Cuiv is finally found. Once night falls, they all reunite in a house, where Ellen restores Deaglan but the latter is still weak because of the lack of living blood. Outside, Dracula grows impatient and threatens to burn the whole building to the ground by conjuring a massive electrical storm and urges Ellen to keep her end of the bargain, to not expect things to go her way this time. She reluctantly goes outside with Bram and all the undead break ranks for them to pass. Dracula spares all of their friends and then leads them to the white mausoleum he prepares for his vengance. He commands Ellen to enter the mausoleum but not before stating that she will learn to love him in time. Bram then asks Dracula why does he cause her so much pain if he supposedly loves her so much, to which Dracula responds that he loves her more than any mortal can but she must be punished for her actions. An instant later, he looks at Bram in the eyes tells him "sleep my child" in Irish.

Years later, Bram Stoker is contacted by Mina Harker because of their mutual enemy and she questions him about the Count's location and Bram tells her to come the next day. However, Bram does not go to meet Mina that day and instead readies his sharp stake, declaring that he would personally travel to Transylvania to hunt down Dracula.


Dracula's appearance through the novel is described very faithfully to his original incarnation. Like in the original, here he is extremely tall, has an aquiline nose, black long hair, sharp and elongated canines, and a small black beard. Unlike in the original, however, Dracula retains his youthful appearance for the whole book and never grows old or is in need to rejuvenate himself by drinking blood. This may be so because he doesn't appear as much as in the original, so every time that he presumably grows old or rejuvenates, it is not shown to the reader. Also unlike the novel, where he dresses all in black with no trace of other color in his suit, here he has the iconic black cape with red in the inside.


Similarly to the novel, Dracula is portrayed as a very cruel man with a complete lack of empathy towards others. Here he is also very obsessed with Ellen and possesive of her to the point of keeping her locked inside his Castle and "punishing" her in very sadistic and exaggerated ways such as vampirizing her beloved and then tearing him apart so he could suffer for eternity and even placing the blame on Ellen afterwards. As he continously states that everyone who does not what he wants must be "punished" and that they brought that onto themselves for not being inconditonally submissive towards him suggests that Dracula suffers from a severe god complex. Nevertheless, he always mantains a calm and collected demenour, acting unfailingly polite to mask the monstrous beast that lurks beneath his seemingly human skin.

However despite all this, he always seems to keep his word; evidenced when Ellen bargained with him that if she came with him, then he would not harm the Stokers or the O'Cuivs. Once Ellen was imprisoned and Dracula didn't need to keep his word, he kept it anyways and no further harm came to either families.

Powers and Abilities[]

Dracula is, by far, the most powerful character in the novel as not only does he possess all the standard abilities of a vampire, but also has Scholomance at his command, allowing him to cast dreadful spells on his opponents.


  • Immortality: Arminius Vambéry assures that Dracul is Voivode Dracula and, as a vampire, he cannot die from old age.
  • Superhuman Strength: According to Vambéry, the vampire possesses the strength of twenty men.
  • Superhuman speed: When Thornley Stoker tries to run away from him, Dracula closes distance between him and himself without even running.
  • Wall-crawling: He states that he likes climing down the walls of his Castle.
  • Superior Senses: Vambéry states that vampires see in the night as clear as a human would in the day.
  • Partial invulnerability: Like all vampires, Dracula cannot be harmed by conventional means and ordinary bullets would pass right through him without any harm being made. Even if his heart where to be pierced by a knife or torn apart, this would only render him inactive but his corpse would still be undead and if any of his underlings were to reform his body and feed him with blood, then he would return.
  • Transformation: He can assume many shapes such as bats and wolves.
  • Control of beasts: Vambéry claims that the vampire has control of the creatures of the night such as wolves, bats, rats and other kinds of beasts.
  • Hypnosis: He easily put Thornley into a trance to force him to tell him what he wanted to know, and also drove Emily to utter insanity.
  • Psychic Powers: Dracula creates a psychic link to any vampire he sires and uses it to exert his will over them. It is also implied that being the one responsible for bringing the curse of undeath to the world in the first place, every vampire in existance traces their origins back to him and thus shares a psychic link with him, even the ones that he has not sired (such as Ellen).
  • Elemental manipulation: Dracula has the incredible ability to manipulate the weather and the elements with an extreme degree of control. He can create blue flames to burst out of nowhare and his electrical storms are so precise that, at will, he can make a lightning strike fall wherever and whenever he chooses.
  • Vampirism: Like in the original novel, Dracula can sire vampires by sharing his cursed blood with the victim and draining them of their mortal blood. Once the victim is dead, they rise from the grave as a vampire who is completely obediant to their sire.


  • Scholomance: As the devil's tenth student, he renounced both God and Heaven to become a "god among men" and was taught the darkest of the secrets of Scholomance. It is implied that he became a vampire in the first place and that he even created the undead using the devil's cursed teachings. While the exact extent of his spells are not made clear, they are implied to be vast and with them he acomplishes things that the other vampires in the novel clearly cannot do such as: disintegrating a window with what is described as a "sinister spell", invoking thousands of serpents out of nowhare (probably hell itself), creating very realistic illusions, causing holy symbols to burn and entire buildings to shake with mere gestures.