Dracula Wiki
Mina Murray
Mina Murray
Biographical information
  • Female
  • Human
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Medical Student
Portrayed By

Mina Murray is the deuteragonist of the tv series, Dracula.

Mina is a striking brunette medical student with a whip who is incredibly forward thinking and independent for a woman of her era, being the only woman training at the University of London.

Mina is the daughter of William Murray and the late Mrs. Murray, the ex-fiancée of Jonathan Harker, the ex-best friend of Lucy Westenra and the girlfriend of Vlad III. She is also the reincarnation of Vlad's long dead wife, Ilona.

Season One[]

In "The Blood Is the Life",

In "A Whiff of Sulfur",

In "Goblin Merchant Men",

In "From Darkness to Light",

In "The Devil's Waltz",

In "Of Monsters and Men",

In "Servant to Two Masters",

In "Come to Die",

In "Four Roses",

In "Let There Be Light",


Mina is kind, caring, compassionate, forgiving, independent, intelligent and open-minded.

Mina is extremely short-tempered; when she has been offended or wronged; but she can also be forgiving as well.

But despite Mina's forgiving nature, she also knows that; there are some things that; are beyond forgiveness; for example, she never forgave her ex-best friend, Lucy Westenra for having sex; with her then-fiancé, Jonathan Harker.

Mina also never forgave Jonathan not only for having sex; with Lucy; but also for being accomplice in mass murder.


Jonathan Harker[]

Jonathan is Mina's ex-fiancé.

Mina and Jonathan are a couple at the start of the first season, and become engaged; by the second episode, the seem to be the perfect couple but Jonathan desires more than anything to climb the social ladder, and eventually becomes an employee of Grayson. This brings him; into Grayson's supernatural world that; also; includes the Order of the Dragon.

In "The Devil's Waltz", Jonathan sees the connection Grayson and Mina have and wants to keep them apart. Jonathan eventually becomes a member of the Order of the Dragon.

In "Four Roses" and "Come to Die", Jonathan and Lucy have sex, and Mina is told; by Lucy. Mina calls him a "pig" and storms out; ending their engagement.

In "Let There Be Light", Jonathan tampers; with Grayson's energy machine; during a publicity event, the machine explodes; which kills several innocent civilians; in the process; including (presumably) Grayson. Mina screams that; Jonathan is a murderer of several innocent civilians and Grayson himself.

By this point; Mina and Jonathan's relationship has become completely damaged beyond repair.

Lucy Westenra[]

Lucy is Mina's ex-best friend.

Mina and Lucy enjoy each others company; but her friendship; with Lucy becomes strained, after she finds out that; the latter is not only a lesbian; but also that; Lucy is in love; with her as well.

Mina and Lucy's friendship become completely damaged beyond repair, after she finds out that; Lucy had sex; with her then-fiancé, Jonathan Harker. Mina (rightfully) ends her friendship; with Lucy forever, as she cannot forgive the latter for her betrayal.

Vlad III[]

Vlad is Mina's boyfriend.

In "The Blood Is the Life", Mina first met Vlad (under the persona of Alexander Grayson) at his mandingo party; when she saw him for the first time, Mina immediately became romantically attracted to Vlad and she has a strange feeling that; she has met him somewhere before, this is; due to her memories as Ilona.

But overtime, Mina become more romantically attracted towards Vlad; despite the fact that; she was in romantic relationship; with Jonathan Harker at the time; before they broke up.

In "Let There Be Light", Vlad had revealed to Mina that; she is the reincarnation of his long dead wife, Ilona, after; which, Mina and Vlad share their first kiss, and; make love; officially becoming a couple; in the process.


  • Unlike most other incarnations; this version of Mina Murray became Vlad III's lover at the end of the series.
  • It is implied that; Mina only knows; who she is to Vlad that; she the reincarnations of his wife, Ilona; but not what he is; if the series had continue for a second season; Mina would have found out that; Vlad is a vampire and accepted him for; who and what is.

